Mercedes Vito 2004 – 2015 Heavy Duty RLTP Black 2 Bar Roof Rack (JA0819)
The Heavy Duty RLTP is specifically tailored to your vehicle’s roof. Whether you have a factory track or fixed mounting points we have the perfect fit. The RLTP is engineered as a short, discrete leg that still holds all the strength of our larger systems. For the aesthetic and practical minded the RLTPs height could mean the difference between getting into your garage easily and scraping your roof at every turn. On top of the RLTP leg is the Heavy Duty bar which is the strongest roof system for your vehicle.
- Description
Our highly regarded Heavy Duty bars offers you compatibility with a wide selection of Rhino-Rack accessories and is the best 4WD accessory for you. So whether you’re a traveller, cyclist, surfer or tradesperson – the Heavy Duty RLTP roof rack system has you covered.
- Removable
- Easy to install / remove
- Low profile design makes for a great look on your roof
- Strong and built to last
- Overhanging bar
- Lifetime Warranty
- Stylish
- Suitable for heavy duty off-road use
- Engineered for your vehicle roof system
- Compatible with a wide range of accessories
- Tested and approved to Australian AS1235-2000 standards
- Bars can be located at every thread point except for most front thread above driving cab
2 x RB1500 Black Bars
2 x pairs RLTPMV04 (4 legs total)